"Our Clients appreciate in particular the speed and quality of our work. That has long been our guiding benchmark." Lutz Behrens, Workshop Technician
Building cremation systems is a matter of trust
We offer perfection in consulting, planning, installation and service
Never before have the requirements for modern cremators been as high as today. People from different cultural and religious backgrounds have different ideas about the process and conditions of a cremation. In addition, since the implementation of the 27th Federal Immission Protection Act in 1997 Germany has the strictest legislation in this field worldwide.

Our systems are optimally aligned with this complex and challenging task. Our services in the field of cremation systems include re-building and modernisation measures for existing sites but also the complete turnkey delivery of new crematoria.
From the initial site analysis to the development of an operating concept to the architectural and technical design of a crematorium we offer a holistic individual customer service. And we remain your committed partner for service and repair afterwards.
During the past decades we have been able to set new benchmarks worldwide for crematoria. On the basis of this experience we develop solutions for German and international customers in accordance with the applicable emission legislation – for example cremation lines (including waste gas cleaning systems).